New Parents Need to Know These 5 Reasons Why a Baby’s Sleep Location Matters

Nataly Blumberg
4 min readJun 4, 2022


Arm’s Reach® Co-Sleeper® ( baby bassinet, the unique creation that began with a mother and father’s need for a safe sleeping environment for their baby, is celebrating an important milestone. The Arm’s Reach Co-Sleeper Baby Bassinet, the first patented co-sleeping product on the market that attaches securely to a parent’s bed, is celebrating its 25th anniversary.

Getting a newborn to sleep is likely one of the top topics new parents have concerns about. Sleepless nights and constant feedings can be exhausting, and in some instances sleeplessness and frustration may lead to dangerous sleep situations for baby such as falling asleep on the couch or in the same bed with baby. Some of the decisions about setting up the nursery may be easy, like what color will you paint the room and the most convenient spot for a changing table. But other decisions may be harder to make, like where is the right place to put the crib or bassinet?

Co-Sleeping vs. Bedsharing

The American Academy of Pediatrics safe sleep guidelines recommend keeping baby’s sleep area in the same room where you sleep for at least the first six months. Co-sleeping means that a baby shares a sleeping space with a parent while bed-sharing means that the parents and baby are sharing the same bed or even a couch, recliner, or waterbed. Bedsharing is a controversial topic and is considered dangerous by medical experts. If you decide to use a bassinet in their parent’s room, there are specific weight limits and that once a baby is able to sit up, they can no longer safely use the bassinet.

The first year that Arm’s Reach was launched, the company received an industry award for best new product as it gave new parents a safe option to sleep next to their newborn, just an “arm’s reach” away. Over the years, parents quickly discovered the benefits of co-sleeping in a space designed specifically to keep a sleeping baby safe. Since that time, countless medical and baby sleep experts have endorsed Arm’s Reach for its ability to increase bonding, ease feeding at night, and create a greater sense of closeness between a baby and parents.

Bedsharing is Dangerous

Why should parents consider a bassinet over bed sharing? The simple reason is that bedsharing is dangerous and can even be fatal. According to the CDC, in 2019, 28% of all sudden unexpected infant deaths (SUID) were caused by strangulation and suffocation in a bed. A newborn or infant that sleeps in an adult bed not designed for infant safety, exposes the infant to risks for suffocation, asphyxia, entrapment, falls and strangulation. There is the risk of an adult rolling over on the infant and the type of linens used in an adult bed are considered suffocation risks to a small child.

The Right Bassinet Makes It Easier

According to pediatrician Dr. William Sears, “The wonderful thing about the juvenile world is that many companies have been able to meet the needs of new parents with products based on scientific learning. There are many companies in the infant sleep category with designs that promote safe sleep for baby. One such company which truly revolutionized infant sleep is Arm’s Reach which provided parents with an entirely new way to sleep near baby.” The Arm’s Reach Co-Sleeper Bassinet, conceived by a new mom and dad, created a safe sleep space for baby that is separate from the parents’ bed and within arm’s reach to increase bonding, to facilitate feeding and to calm a fussy baby with a gentle touch all without having to get out of bed and go into another room. He continues, “Any product — whether it’s a safe sleep garment, a winter coat designed for car seats or a bedside bassinet for baby — that can help reduce the stress that many new parents experience is a win-win for the entire family.”

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends infants under six months sleep in the same room as parents, but not on the same surface. Infants should be on a flat, firm surface with a fitted sheet, with no extra blankets or bedding. Room sharing in this way decreases the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) by 50%.

Reduce SIDS by 50%

By the time a baby is born, most parents are aware of the importance of putting their newborn to sleep on their back to prevent SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). It is the term developed to describe infants who mysteriously died while sleeping. But what they might not know is that the location of the crib or bassinet is also critical to a baby’s wellbeing. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends keeping a newborn in your room up to a year. Studies show that when the baby stays in the parent’s room for at least six months, this has reduced the incidence of SIDS by 50%.

Nighttime Feedings are Easier

When a newborn is safely asleep next to their mother in a bassinet, there is no need to go to another room for nighttime feedings. This is particularly true with mothers who are breastfeeding. Aside from breast-feeding benefits, room sharing can also reduce the stress some parents feel because they are likely to get more sleep as a result of feeling more connected to their babies. Bassinets are most often placed next to the mother’s side of the bed to allow for easy access to the baby throughout the night. The other benefit is that co-sleeping can give your baby the closeness they crave while sleeping safe and sound.



Nataly Blumberg
Nataly Blumberg

Written by Nataly Blumberg

Born from a long line of entrepreneurs with a passion to keep learning from and loving them.

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