Houseplants are here to stay. But if it’s not working out between the two of you, Nick Bavaro, COO of Rocket Farms, says it’s okay to let go without the guilt.
Nick Bavaro, COO of Rocket Farms shares plant care tips.
One of the first things many people say when you bring them a flower is, “Oh no, I’m going to kill it.” According to the horticulture experts at Rocket Farms, it’s okay if the plant dies. You can always get another one!
“Enjoy the flower for as long as it is supposed to last and how long it does well in your home. Move it around your home and if it doesn’t like it and still dies, don’t stress. It’s okay to throw the plant away and buy a new one,” says Bavaro.
What is the best trick for when the leaves turn yellow?
“If yellowing occurs one of two things are happening. The plant is either over watered or its potassium deficient. But if all else fails, “just throw it out and get a new one.”
Asking for a Friend: How Do You Dispose of a Dead House Plant?
Discard the dead plants in a compost pile or over a garden area to decompose. Another option for recycling dead plants is to spread them on a lawn and mulch them with a lawnmower. There’s no need to throw dead plants out with the garbage when they can decompose to contribute to healthy soil.
What’s a Hard to Kill Plant for Valentine’s Day?
An easy to care for plant choice are succulents. Each specialty plant has a distinct character and color to match your own personal style yet, succulents only need to be watered every two weeks and perform well at an average temperature indoors. In addition, succulents improve air quality and humidity, offer fresh oxygen and some even have medicinal properties like aloe. Succulents also make for a unique Valentine’s Day flower alternative, especially paired with cute sayings like, “I’m a succ-er for you” and “Aloe You Vera Much!